Presentation at the conference: Geography in a Changing World (Lesvos, Greece 07-09.04.2020) ‘Assessing the impact of policies for Social Economy on youth employment and NEETs: a view from the Mediterranean European Economic Area’ Athina AVAGIANNOU, PhD Candidate in Economic and Labour Geograohy, Department of Geography, University of the Aegean Ioannis PISSOUIOS, Lecturer in … Continue Reading
Author: youthshare
Youth Employment Fund – Baseline study preliminary results
Presentation at the First Annual Thematic Seminar of Active Youth Projects (Brussels, Belgium 25-26.11.2019) ‘BASELINE STUDYYouth Employment in the 15+3 EU beneficiary countries of the EEA and Norway Grants “Fund for Youth Employment”’ Ivan MARTIN, Associate Researcher, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona Stelios GIALIS, Assistant Professor in Economic and Labor Geography, Department of Geography, … Continue Reading
NEETs in Mediterranean EEA 2008 – 2018
A Baseline Study of the NEETs phenomenon in Greece, Cyprus, Italy and Spain The present baseline study examines the development of the NEETs phenomenon in Mediterranean EEA countries from 2008 (in some cases from 2006) up to 2018 based on data from the official statistical services. At the same time the study presents the … Continue Reading
Capital Flows and Surplus Labour Force During Economic Crises: A Geographical Approach of the Antinomies between Centre and Periphery of the EU
Presentation at the conference: Research, Innovation, Competitiveness and Regional Development (Athens, Greece 21-22.06.2019) ‘Capital flows and labour surpluses in times of recession: A geographical approach to the antinomies between the EU core and periphery’ George SYKAS, PhD Candidate in Economic and Labor Geography Department of Geography, University of the Aegean Konstantinos GOURZIS, PhD … Continue Reading
Innovative strategies for approaching, informing and motivating NEETs
The Case of NEETs on Board Project Presentation by Nektaria Marava and Stelios Kaznesis (in Greek) at the conference: Research, Innovation, Competitiveness and Regional Development (Athens, Greece 21-22.06.2019) Innovative strategies for approaching, informing and motivating NEETs
Social and solidarity economy among the cities and regions of Southern Europe: An outlet for NEETs?
Presentation at the conference: Research, Innovation, Competitiveness and Regional Development (Athens, Greece 21-22.06.2019) ‘Social and solidarity economy among the cities and regions of Southern Europe: An outlet for NEETs?’ Athina AVAGIANOU, PhD Candidate in Economic and Labor Geography, Department of Geography, University of the Aegean Sofia KARAMPELA, Post-Doctoral researcher, Department of Geography, University of … Continue Reading
Sharing the Burden of Unemployment: A Critical theorization of the NEET Phenomenon in the Mediterranean EU regions
Presentation at the conference: Urban Inequalities: Ethnographic Insights (Corinth, Greece 20-22.06.2019) ‘Sharing the burden of unemployment: a critical theorization of the NEET phenomenon in the Mediterranean EU regions’ Effie EMMANOUIL, PhD Candidate in Economic and Labor Geography Department of Geography, University of the Aegean Athina AVAGIANOU, PhD Candidate in Economic and Labor Geography Department … Continue Reading
NEETs expansion in the Mediterranean EU South: Inquiring the 2008-2018 period
Presentation at the conference: Research, Innovation, Competitiveness and Regional Development (Athens, Greece 21-22.06.2019) ‘NEETs expansion in the Mediterranean EU South: Inquiring the 2005-18 period’ Effie EMMANOUIL, PhD Candidate, Department of Geography, University of the Aegean Michalis POULIMAS, Post-Doctoral researcher, Department of Geography, University of the Aegean Ioannis PAPAGEORGIOU, Researcher, University of the Aegean … Continue Reading
Policies promoting Social and Sharing Economies in Mediterranean European Economic Area (MED EEA): A literature review focusing on youth unemployment and NEETs
Presentationat the conference: The Social Sciences Today: Dilemmas and Projections beyond the Crisis (Lesvos, Greece 06-09.06.2019) ‘Policies promoting Social and Sharing Economies in Mediterranean European Economic Area (MED EEA): A literature review focusing on youth unemployment and NEETs’ Athina AVAGIANOU, PhD Candidate, Department of Geography, University of the Aegean Sofia KARAMPELA, Post-Doctoral researcher, Department … Continue Reading
Young people not in employment, education or training (NEET) in the Mediterranean EU South: A study of the phenomenon for the recent crisis
Presentation at the conference: The Social Sciences Today: Dilemmas and Projections beyond the Crisis (Lesvos, Greece 06-09.06.2019) ‘Young people not in employment, education or training (NEET) in the Mditerranean EU South: a study of the phenomenon for the recent crisis’ Effie EMMANOUIL, PhD Candidate, Department of Geography, University of the Aegean Michalis POULIMAS, Post-Doctoral … Continue Reading