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Author: youthshare
Employment policies impact studies
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Social and sharing economy
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Flexibilization and new forms of work
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NEETs Bell, L., & Thurlby-Campbell, I. (2017). Agency, structure and the NEET policy problem: the experiences of young people. UK: Bloomsbury Academic. Arnold, C., & Baker, T. (2013). Becoming NEET–risks, rewards and realities. London: Institute of Education Press.
Employment policies impact studies
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Social and sharing economy
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Flexibilization and new forms of work
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Alfieri, S., Rosina, A., Sironi, E., Marta, E., & Manzana, D. (2015). Who are Italian” Neets”? Trust in institutions, political engagement, willingness to be activated and attitudes toward the future in a group at risk for social exclusion. Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali, 285-306. Avis, J. (2014). Comfort radicalism and NEETs: a conservative praxis. … Continue Reading