Social and sharing economy

Vătămănescu, E.M., & Pînzaru, F.M. (Eds.) (2017). Knowledge management in the sharing economy: cross-sectoral insights into the future of competitive advantage. Cham: Springer. Srnicek, N. (2017). Platform capitalism. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Flexibilization and new forms of work

Gialis, S., & Herod, A. (2015). Labor geography: labor agency, flexible employment and spatial inequalities (in Greek). Athens: SEAB. Gialis, S. (2015). Recession and atypical employment: a focus on contemporary Greek metropolitan regions. In S. Mavroudeas, (Ed.), Greek capitalism in crisis: Marxist analyses (pp. 212-231). London: Routledge. Harvey, D. (2018). The limits to capital. … Continue Reading


NEETs Bell, L., & Thurlby-Campbell, I. (2017). Agency, structure and the NEET policy problem: the experiences of young people. UK: Bloomsbury Academic. Arnold, C., & Baker, T. (2013). Becoming NEET–risks, rewards and realities. London: Institute of Education Press.